Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 24

Well we had some wind this week! The waves were the biggest we've seen and the water the highest it's been since we got here. It was washing over the cement pad. Today is the calmest day we've had in a week. We (mostly Joel ;) ) has a lot of shoveling and raking to do now....

Tuesday Jay came over with the paint sprayer and they got the whole back of the lodge painted, finally the worst is over!

And there is one coat left to do on the south side, trim and flashing, then it will be done for real! Should be this week.  

Life group went good this week no drama!!!! Just a good study and very encouraging to see people take interest, and have new people fairly regularly the group is usually 4 -12 people. 

We spent one day in Dangriga doing all of our monthly errands. Joel got the yard mowed, it had been awhile since no rain has killed the grass for the most part. Unfortunately some of the weeds still grow. It's REALLY dry now. 

Today, Sunday, is our Family Fun Day and we all wanted to swim since it's so hot (89 today with less breeze) but after 10 minutes in the water I had run into a stingray and Joel had run into a jelly fish - the water is super murky from all the waves - so we decided to try a new place, the freshwater pond down the driveway. It's man-made and where we can pump fresh water if our rainwater runs out. We had stopped there Thursday on our way home and thought it looked nice for swimming, and it was! It's clear and deep:

We know there's crocodiles around but it just didn't seem crocodiley it being so clear and not connected to anything. Then we walked around the sandy edge a little ways and saw the fresh tracks leading into the water. It wasn't as comfortable swimming after that lol. Every bubble that came up sent us running for shore. But really it's a nice place to swim :)

So that was our week, nothing exciting really! If you would be in prayer for us for direction, we're going to be making some big decisions about our next ministry steps soon, thanks!

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