Happy Sunday!
We had a nice week. The weather has been wonderful, today it's sunny and breezy, just perfect.
Joel started out the week working on the driveway. There was a part of it that had turned into a river. He had added rocks but it was becoming impassible again.
So he needed to add a culvert
found this little guy in the culvert....
Done! For now.... ;)
We also spent a lot of time painting trim, mostly the posts. They sure look nice though!
We went to Dangriga one day to do our visa's and make like 12 other stops. It's a lot of work when you only go once a month to get everything done! We had to stop at the bank to get money, go to the market for fruit/veggies, renew our visa's, get insurance for the truck, get the truck registered, go to the chicken place, the grocery store, the hardware store, and a store to get corn for the chicks. No one-stop shopping here! We try to make it fun but it's so busy. Sage and I got a chance to take a walk while Joel was waiting for the insurance to come through. Here's a picture of downtown Dangriga. And Sage super excited about having some ice cream :) Hey, I was excited too!
We STILL have not gotten the rat that's been terrorizing our kitchen. He chews through plastic things and doesn't even eat the food in them! We got serious and got a trap:
And still....nothing.
So every night I pack up anything he likes or might like and put it in the oven:
It's the only safe place other than the fridge I've found!
Our chicks are getting bigger so we moved them to the grass:
They're still close enough for Sage to go grab and bring inside to play with ;)
Joel spent a couple days fishing with some of the guys too, it's cool how he gets to have one on one time out on the boat. It really has been a great time for them to have church out on the water especially since we can't leave the base very often, and all while catching a meal or two of fish!
Well that pretty much sums up our week!
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