It's been a good week! They got the house torn down, you can hardly tell it was there:
The big burn pile is gone!

Joel moved the water tank from the house to the front of the lodge to collect the rainwater coming off the roof. We also did a lot of work on landscaping - weeding, raking, etc. It looks awesome!
One night we took a walk and collected some fish for the little pond - you can't really see them but there's some mollies, tetra's, and a firemouth cichlid.....we're excited :)
Saturday Sarah and I went to a baby shower for a lady in the village - it was a lot of fun, good food and fun games!

We've had a lot of rain for a couple days now. The cool weather is awesome but the rain has caused the driveway to be pretty bad and the road to the village nearly impossible, this was this morning on the way to church:
We ended up getting our lunch to go so we could come back before it got any higher since it rained all during church. So looks like we'll be staying put for a few days since it's supposed to rain more tomorrow (we think anyways). Also no sun means we have to run the generator at night. But that's ok, it'll be nice for working tomorrow!
We had women's bible study on Tuesday, that was good. Shannon worked out here a couple days during the week helping get all that work done. The beach was looking awesome, I should've taken a picture before the big wind and waves and rain hit. It still looks great, just a lot of stuff washes up.
We're doing good, Sage seems to be used to it here, even sleeping through all the storms and getting rained on a little (her bed is by the window lol). Her and Avi play together pretty good, well they keep each other occupied any way ;) It's funny to hear her talk about stuff that's only here, like turning the pump on, taking a bath in a bucket, coils, checking our cabana for scorpions stuff like that.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers, you all mean so much to us :)
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