I know it has been awhile since we have posted, but a lot has been going on. As many of you know Joel's dad was diagnosed with cancer. We didn't want to make any big decisions until we knew more details, so everything was on hold for awhile.
Now we believe we have a clear picture and direction so we would like to share that with you. After much prayer and discussion we have decided to go ahead with our mission plans. As of this last week we officially have a sending church and a ministry account set up.
During our time in Belize and in conversations with the missionaries who are already serving there and also the owners of the mission, we feel certain this is where the Lord is leading us. The Retreat Center's mission is: "To host and direct hands-on Christian church teams, work teams, medical/dental teams, construction teams, evangelism teams and other ministry teams throughout the country of Belize, demonstrating God's love in action as we present and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ". This is something we'd love to be a part of! Because the missions focus is on bringing in teams and all that entails, many of important maintenance needs have fallen behind. The other couple that is there now is in charge of the teams so along with that and the work it takes just to survive in such a remote location, they don't have the time or resources to do many of things that really need to be done at the base. The mission was started 13 years ago and has never had enough staff to keep up. Needless to say many things have been left in disrepair. Joel's responsibilities will include maintenance of the grounds, buildings and vehicles. Also we will be a part of directing and transporting the teams while they are there. We are also excited about the opportunities we could have serving with other missionaries who live in the village.
Our desire is to move to Belize as soon as we can to work at the mission base. We will plan on staying for at least a year. We don't have plans to move on but we will always be open to the Lord's direction. The three of us will be living in a small cabana on the mission grounds. The living conditions there are very basic. Electricity is from solar panels and rainwater is used for drinking and showers. There is a kitchen and living area we will share with the other family that is there and teams whenever they come in.
Legally we cannot work for money in Belize so we are asking our friends, family, and church for support in this. The following is a break down of what we need: $600 per month to live at the base. This includes housing, food, and transportation. $150 per month for visa's. Every 30 days all 3 of us have to apply for a visa so stay in the country until we are there long enough to apply for a work visa. $150 per month for medical insurance. We would like to budget $100 a week ($400 a month) for personal expenses such as toiletries, gas, clothing, etc. This comes out to $1,300 per month. If we can raise more than that we would like to use that money to help fund building projects in the village and at the base and anywhere else we can help out. It is not easy for us to ask for money - it is very humbling! It is also a way of stepping out in faith and knowing that God will supply all our needs.
We are humbly asking you to join us in God's work by supporting us first of all with prayer, but also with either a one time donation or a monthly commitment. With the economy being how it is we will need everyone's help, not just churches for support. Thank you so much for considering helping on our journey!
Ways to support us:
Checks can be mailed and made out to: Interfaith Bible Fellowship
P.O. Box 27
Amberg, WI 54102
'matthew419ministries' in the subject line.
Via paypal on our (new!) website: jdirish.wix.com/matthew419ministries (I know it's long but hey, it's free!)
If you would please indicate if it is a one-time or monthly donation, this will help us with our budget.
God bless!